Прошивка 2.1.40 beta для Zidoo Z9S

Прошивка 2.1.40 beta для Zidoo Z9S

Компания ZIdoo выпустила очередную официальную прошивку для медиаплеера Zidoo Z9S. Прошивка получила индекс 2.1.40 и на сегодняшний день имеет статус «бета». Изменения коснулись не только самой оболочки, но и предустановленных приложений.

Основные изменения:

1. Optimize the system stability.
2. Optimize HDR display (Available MaxFALL and MaxCLL metadata)
3. Optimize the bluray navigation.
4. Fixed the probleam that some MOV format videos could not be played.
5. Fixed the probleam that playback lagging for some hard drives.
6. Fixed the probleam that having to power off and restart when upgrading system sometimes.
7. Fixed the issue of audio jump for some special playlists for Bluray(About seamless branching issue).
8. Fixed the probleam of prompting cannot play when playing videos sometimes.

Music Player:
1. When playing SACD, the playback interface adds information display.
2. Optimize the usage wizard display.
3. Optimize the problem that the order of playing songs in some irregular CUE files is incorrect.
4. Optimize the music data matching.
5. Added feature that pairing songs by ablum.

1. Fixed the problem that cannot re-match on PC.
2. Fixed the problem of not recognizing the DVD folder.
3. Improve stability.

Media Center:
1. Add switch to enable playing video with third-party video player.

Image Player:
1. Optimize background music for slideshows.

Quick Settings:
1. Added the pageup key definition Settings.
2. Added the timing play key definition settings.

Ссылка на скачивание прошивки:


MD5: 58F7E4E6BCCB16A0284DAA87FB6353E9

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