Новая прошивка для Zidoo X20 v2.1.40 beta
Компания Zidoo выпустила очередную бета версию новой прошивки для мультимедийного смарт-бокса Zidoo X20. Исправления, а также дополнения получили как сама оболочка, так и ряд предустановленных приложений.
Основные изменения:
- Optimize the system stability.
- Optimize HDR display (available MaxFALL and MaxCLL output)
- Optimize the bluray navigation.
- Fixed the probleam that some MOV format videos could not be played.
- Fixed the probleam that playback lagging for some hard drives.
- Fixed the probleam that having to power off and restart when upgrading system sometimes.
- Fixed the issue of audio jump for some special playlists for Bluray (seamless branching).
- Fixed the probleam of prompting cannot play when playing videos sometimes.
Music Player:
- When playing SACD, the playback interface adds information display.
- Optimize the usage wizard display.
- Optimize the problem that the order of playing songs in some irregular CUE files is incorrect.
- Optimize the music data matching.
- Added feature that pairing songs by ablum.
- Fixed the problem that cannot re-match on PC.
- Fixed the problem of not recognizing the DVD folder.
- Improve stability.
Media Center:
- Add switch to enable playing video with third-party video player.
Image Player:
- Optimize background music for slideshows.
Quick Settings:
- Added the pageup key definition Settings.
- Added the timing play key definition settings.
Ссылка на скачивание прошивки:
MD5: 9BF42A67BC9EE9DFA0A104B417A4CB10
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